Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Day To Remember

Today will forever be a day etched in the mind for us as a church and as a launch team. Today we met as a team for the 4th time since arriving in Wilmington. We gathered at a local park so that the kids could play, but God had other things in mind. As we arrived we noticed that there were some people hanging out in the pavilion that we had rented. Come to find out they were homeless people who hung out there most days. Sensing that the Lord wanted us to do something we fed them with some of the food we had leftover (I hesitate to say leftover). We spent some of our intended meeting time feeding these homeless people. As I said God had other things in mind. This was a real eye opener for all of us. It was a great reminder that God has called us to not just call ourselves the church but to be the church. To be a church that Loves God, Loves People, and Impacts the world.  

Even now as I have reflected on this time have still felt somewhat convicted. I believe if we had truly been living as Christ we would have fed them first and we would have taken whatever was leftover. Lord thank you for the opportunity but help us in the future to think of others first before feeding our own faces. 

Matthew 25:40 says "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." 

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